Today, East Noble High School students in FACS made a delicious meal spread for an upcoming event that will take place Friday evening at the High School. They were asked to prepare a meal for the "Hall of Fame" night, and the spread consisted of homemade cake pops, lasagna, a large salad, tortellini soup, finger foods, and cupcakes. They did a fantastic job working together in a quick amount of time and preparing the meal for the event!
6 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
FACS Cooking
Cupcake Wars were back at East Noble High School yesterday and today! The theme was "Spring Break" so students in Nutrition and Wellness got into teams and prepared some sweet, and creative cupcakes inspired by certain aspects of a Spring Break. It was a great time for the students to speak publicly on what their cupcake consists of and convince the voters that theirs was the best. The voters, being fellow student members, had the hard decision to judge the cupcakes based on taste, presentation, and more. The students participating did a fantastic job showing their creativity from start to finish!
6 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
Cupcake Wars
We are happy and excited to announce that Luke Amstutz will be the new Athletic Director at East Noble High School! While we are excited for him to be taking the role, the Friday night lights will miss him as head football coach on the field. Thank you, Luke, for twelve amazing seasons, multiple sectional titles, and guiding the Knights to a State title appearance in 2019. Attached also is a special message that Luke personally wrote.
6 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
New Athletic Director
New Athletic Director
STATE BOUND! Congratulations to East Noble High School Show Choir, Band Solo and Ensemble, and also the Archery Club as they are competing in state competitions coming up! They were celebrated and recognized today at the High School in a walkaround with fellow students and staff members lining the hallways. Good luck to everyone competing in state, go Knights!
6 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
State Bound
Newsletter is live! To all Avilla Elementary School, North Side Elementary, Rome City Elementary, South Side Elementary, Wayne Center Elementary School, East Noble Middle School, and East Noble High School community members: Check out this week’s East Noble Community Newsletter! A place that keeps you in the loop of all the things happening within East Noble School Corporation!
6 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
NOW HIRING! East Noble School Corporation is accepting applications for the following vacancy at East Noble High School! More information on the available position is below. If you or anyone you know wants to be a part of a great school corporation apply today!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Now Hiring
This past Friday evening, the PTO at South Side Elementary hosted their Sweetheart Social Dance. It was a fun time full of dancing, punch, and cookies. The students loved bringing their special family member to have a fun evening. The PTO did a fantastic job providing a memorable night for everyone!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
South Side Dance
South Side Dance
South Side Dance
South Side Dance
South Side Dance
NOW HIRING! East Noble School Corporation is accepting applications for the following vacancy at East Noble Middle School! More information on the available position is attached. If you or anyone you know wants to be a part of a great school corporation apply today!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Now Hiring
February 15th of every year is National School Resource Officer Appreciation Day. We would like to celebrate and thank the tremendous SRO staff of Office Shartzer, Officer Beall, and newly inducted Officer Kline. These sworn law enforcement officers fill a three-part role, serving as informal mentors or counselors, law educators, and law enforcement officers to support the students and communities they serve. They are valuable and essential members of the education community who deserve unwavering respect and support from the public in the pursuit of keeping schools and students safe. Thank you all for keeping Avilla Elementary School, North Side Elementary, South Side Elementary, Rome City Elementary, Wayne Center Elementary School, East Noble Middle School, and East Noble High School a safe place for the students, staff, and the community.
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
SRO Appreciation Day
Yesterday, Kindergartners from South Side Elementary really enjoyed some sweet Valentines Day treats in their classroom! All the students were excited to share with each other what they received.
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
South Side Valentines Day
South Side Valentines Day
South Side Valentines Day
South Side Valentines Day
South Side Valentines Day
NOW HIRING! East Noble School Corporation is accepting applications for the following vacancy for East Noble Transportation Department Secretary! More information on the available position is below. If you or anyone you know wants to be a part of a great school corporation apply today!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
Now Hiring
There was a whole lot of love spread yesterday at East Noble Middle School as Billy Wonka was back with his companion. Together, they brought happiness on Valentines Day to all Middle School staff members as they had a chance to win a Golden Ticket by selecting from a various number of treats. It was a great way to end their day and show their love and appreciation for all the amazing staff members at the middle school and what they do for all the students.
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
Middle School Valentines Day
To all Avilla Elementary School, North Side Elementary, Rome City Elementary, South Side Elementary, Wayne Center Elementary School East Noble Middle School and East Noble High School students, parents, and community members. We are thrilled to welcome our new SRO to East Noble School Corporation, Officer Kline and his K9 companion Bobi. We are excited to have both of them be a part of a great school corporation and help continue to keep our schools a fun and safe place for our students to learn. Below is a little write up from Officer Kline and Bobi just telling a little about them both. I graduated from East Noble in 2003 and the University of Southern Indiana in 2008. Since 2014, I have been working at the Kendallville Police Department. You might have seen me around before; I’ve served as a member of the Kendallville Honor Guard for a while. In addition to my job, I volunteer with the Big Brother Big Sister reading program Real Men Read at Avilla Elementary. I have been happily married to my wife Stacey for over ten years, and we have a daughter who currently attends Avilla. In my spare time, I enjoy working on home improvement, landscaping projects, and doing woodworking. I'm a passionate Notre Dame and Bears fan – there's always next year, boys! Bobi (Pronounced BOH-BEE) Bobi was born Poland, and he is 6 years old. Bobi began his law enforcement career in 2020. Bobi is a very loving K9 and enjoys giving hugs and getting attention from anyone that is willing to pet him. Bobi enjoys spending his free time playing fetch and chewing on his chew toys.
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
New SRO Officer Kline and Bobi
NOTE: This invitation is for East Noble Middle School and East Noble High School students that are currently in grades 8th through 11th, and you must RSVP to attend, the link will be provided below. YOUR DESTINATION AWAITS! East Noble Travels is excited to announce that in 2025 there are TWO trips lined up that Summer! Take a trip to the beautiful country of Costa Rica where you will explore San Jose, Arenal Region, Monteverde, and the Central Pacific Coast. Or venture across the Atlantic and travel to places like Paris, Norway, and London! Be a part of the informational meeting on Thursday, February 22nd at 6 p.m. at the High School Library entering through "Door 1" at the building. Can't make it to the meeting? No problem! Just follow the link below and you can fill out information and keep up to date! Here is the link to RSVP:
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
EN Travels
Check out the East Noble Community Newsletter! A place that keeps you in the loop of all the things happening within East Noble School Corporation! Here is the link to access the newsletter:
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
This past Friday evening, North Side Elementary School PTO hosted their Sweetheart Dance. It was a great turnout and a special event for students, and their special family member, to come out and have an evening of dancing and fun. There were concessions for everyone, as well as great music. The PTO at North Side did a wonderful job in providing the students and their families with a fun evening!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Sweetheart Dance
Sweetheart Dance
Sweetheart Dance
Sweetheart Dance
Sweetheart Dance
NOW HIRING! East Noble School Corporation is accepting applications for the following vacancy at South Side Elementary! More information on the available position is below. If you or anyone you know wants to be a part of a great school corporation apply today!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Now Hiring
This past Friday, Rome City Elementary School had their Squad Day! This Squad Day consisted of the Squads coming together to create their family crest to symbolize each team with a word. The words for each squad were Optimism, Loyalty, Generosity, and Ambition. Squads went around and showed each other their crest they created. At a later time, one from each squad will be voted the best and will symbolizes their Squad Crest, similar to the house crests on Harry Potter. The Squads also got together and created fun handshakes that they will use with each other. At the end of Squad Day, they all got together in the gymnasium and were introduced to their Squad Gems, like house points! The way they get their gems to fill their jar will depend on their squads doing certain things throughout the remainder of the school year, and also fun games and challenges in the future. It was a great time for students in all grade levels to come together, be creative, and have fun.
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Squad Day
Squad Day
Squad Day
Squad Day
Squad Day
Squad Day
Squad Day
NOW HIRING! East Noble School Corporation is accepting applications for the following vacancy at East Noble Middle School! More information on the available position is below. If you or anyone you know wants to be a part of a great school corporation apply today!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Now Hiring
Last evening, East Noble Middle School hosted another Robotics League Night! Avilla Elementary School, North Side Elementary, Rome City Elementary, South Side Elementary, Wayne Center Elementary School, and also East Noble Middle School had teams there competing with their robots on timed trials. It was a great time for the students to come together as a corporation and display their creative robots, compete, and put on a good show for other students and community members who attended!
7 months ago, Brock Miller - Communcations Coordinator
Robotics Night
Robotics Night
Robotics Night
Robotics Night
Robotics Night
Robotics Night
Robotics Night