Preschool September Learning Skills
Literacy: Preschoolers will be working on recognizing the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters in the alphabet
Reading: Preschoolers will continue to work on recognizing their first name in print. Preschoolers will also be working on these book skills: identifying the spine of the book, learning that books are made of pages, and that words are read left to right.
Math: Preschoolers will be working to independently count to 10. We will be using different math manipulatives to sort by color, size, and shape.
Handwriting: In preschool we use the Handwriting Without Tears to work on handwriting skills. This month in preschool we will be focusing on the Frog Jump capital letters. These letters include F, E, D, P, B, R, M, and N.
Writing: Preschoolers will be learning to copy simple lines and shapes.