
IHSAA News Release

April 30, 2024 Sectional Assignments approved by Executive Committee Groups set for 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years Earlier today, the IHSAA Executive Committee approved the sectional assignments in six team sports for the next two school years. The Executive Committee unanimously accepted the recommendations of the respective realignment committees which determined the sectional groups in meetings earlier this month for the 2024-25 and 2025-26 school years. Three committees consisting of school administrators representing each IHSAA district and class were constructed to realign the sports. The football committee totaled 18 administrators, the basketball and volleyball committee was made up of 12 members and the soccer committee consisted of nine individuals. The baseball and softball sectional realignment committee will meet later this summer and their recommendations will be presented to the Executive Committee for approval at its August 27 meeting. Host sites for the next two years will be determined by athletic administrators in each sectional this summer.