How can I become a student at the ALC?
Students interested in attending the ALC should talk to their guidance counselor. Guidance will work with the student and family to determine if the ALC is the right fit and then make a recommendation to administration if they determine it is. ALC and high school administration will make the final decision on a whether a student is able to attend the ALC.
How many people are there in a classroom?
There are two classrooms at the ALC, the Blue Room and the Gold Room. One room has up to 25 students with a teacher and instructional assistant, and another room has up to 10 students with a teacher and instructional assistant. Each room has an AM and PM session. Student placement in either room depends on the circumstances that determined the student’s placement at the ALC.
How do classes work?
High school students use Edgenuity, an online curriculum, to complete their coursework. Most students work on one class at a time and will begin a new class as soon as they complete the previous one. Students will be given goals based on individual needs for graduation, but every student has a basic goal of earning at least 3 credits a trimester at the ALC.
How fast can a student earn credits?
Students can earn as many credits as they are able to complete during their placement at the ALC. Students are able to towards their goals. They have access to their classes any time of the day wherever they have internet access.
Can students work on classes at home?
Students can access their classes at any time from any place that has internet access, but exams must be completed in person at the ALC.
Do students attend the ALC only?
Almost all students attending the ALC will spend half their day at the ALC and the other half of their day at their school. School bussing is provided to transfer students between buildings. A small number of students may be placed at the ALC only based on disciplinary reasons or extraneous life circumstances. In addition, 5th year seniors will attend the ALC only until they complete graduation requirements.
Once someone is placed at the ALC, do they stay at the ALC until graduation?
The goal for students placed at the ALC is to earn enough credits to get back on track towards graduation or to develop proper behaviors to eliminate discipline issues. Once completed, students will return to their school full time.
Individualized plan goals are created by the administration and guidance team and are based upon the specific growth areas identified for the student that led to their placement at the ALC. These will be items like increased classroom grades, attendance rate, homework completion; and decreased tardiness, disciplinary referrals, etc.