Knight's Closet

Knights Closet, a free clothing bank that had previously been located at the Alternative Learning Center (ALC), offering a large selection of clothing items to enrolled East Noble Students, has moved to the Bargain Shoppe!

You may be asking...

Where is it located? The Bargain Shoppe is located at 111 S Main St.

When is the Bargain Shoppe open?

Monday, Thursdays and Fridays 11-4; Saturdays 10-1

Am I able to walk in and just shop?

Before going, please contact Robin Deter at (260) 347-2502 at the ENSC Central Office and she will provide you with a voucher to use at The Bargain Shoppe.

Is this available to anyone?

Knight's Closet is available only to enrolled East Noble School Corporation students and their families within the household.